Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Back to Work!!! Too busy to think!!

So here's our monthly update for the Johnson Fam!! I am back to work, thus the lack of blogs this month. It's been really hard on momma to leave Miss Hailey, but she's doing very well with the changes and she's just growing so much! We found an amazing babysitter on Wed through Fri. Hailey just loves Sonja's house! Hailey turns 6 months old tomorrow! She's very close to rolling over and sitting up! Can't believe how fast it's gone by & how big she is now! Here she is in her Braves outfit, Daddy's favorite! Great Great Aunt Suzie sent us the cutest pink one that doesn't quite fit her yet, but when it does it will be picture time again!
She has discovered her toes and her voice! She's got the cutest soft talks, but when she's mad, she can sure tell us now! I can't help but laugh though because she's such a drama queen!

Tomorrow we will be giving her cereal for the first time! I have made the decision to make all of her baby food and have found some really cool websites and books to help me on this adventure! We gave her one of her spoons to test out and she loved it! Gagged herself a few times! Definately a Lloyd!
I sort of went buck wild at the Quilted Bear and bought quite a few hair bows! I couldn't stop and she looks so stinkin' cute in them!
Daddy and Hailey! She's loves him!

My neice Elsie is growing so fast! Already over a month old and I believe she's quite the drama queen as well! Last Sunday she got blessed! She looks so cute! Her big brother Isaak is so proud and very protective of his "baby sister" as he calls her! He is growing up too! He started Pre School this week and found a friend to chase the girls around at recess with! They yell "Girls Stink" as they chase them!
So that's the recap! We got some cute pics done at Kiddy Kandids that I will have to post! She's starting to fit into all of her cute dresses! Here she is dressed up in her cute Levi Mini lookin' all sorts of stylish!


Brynn said...

Finally an update ;) I can't believe how big she is! I need to come see her, oh and I guess you too ;)

Jenn said...

She is SO stinkin' cute! I LOVED bows, and went crazy too, they have WAY more now even though Zoey is only 3! I'm still tempted everytime I go to the store to buy some! Love them!

Joy said...

Cute pictures! They grow soooo fast and we barely even notice because it's right before our eyes. My Sophie is 2 months old and a chubby little monkey. We really need to get together sometime so I can see you and your baby! We are in Taylorsville all the time, so one of these days I need to drop by.

Lemmons Family said...

Little Hailey looks so cute! She is growing up fast! She has such a cute new cousin too! Oh and Surprise! We are expecting a little one in May!

Trent and Janel Lyman said...

Can you even believe it's been 6 months, she is so cute. Time goes way too fast! But the way, LOVE the bows. Every time I go to the Quilted Bear I come out with way more than I should, and I still think I need more bows.

Kristy Skoy said...

She is so cute! I wish I was having a girl to dress up all cute! Ir's hard to find cute stuff for boys. What web sites are you looking at for baby food. I am going to make all mine too. Tell Doug HI!