Sunday, September 28, 2008

Yummy, Yummy in my tummy!!

Gina and I went to the Colors concert a few weeks ago! I love Colors! Thanks Gina for going with me! It was a lot of fun and they were worth every penny!

Here's Miss Hailey in her new Hippo Jammies! She looks so cute in them!

Her first bites of food! She loves eating!

Her 6 month picture! She's growing so fast!
So Hailey is doing so well! She had her 6 month check up with dreamy Dr. Dimick on Monday! Big 15 lbs, 10 oz! and 27 inches long! He was really impressed with her and how well she's done! She's sitting up all by herself, but not quite rolling over yet!
She's eating lots of different things that mommy is cookin' up! Sweet Potatoes, Carrots, Avacados, Oatmeal and Rice. Our next endeavor is butternut squash! It's fun making it and way cheaper! I found a cool website:
I went up and saw cute Trevor Eastman last week! I just love all of his hair! Too cute! Can't wait for him and Hailey to play together!


Brynn said...

I can't believe how big she is getting. Trevor is looking forward to his next date with Hailey ;)

Dave and Kristin said...

How cute is she and I can't believe your making baby food! Good for you, I don't think I could ever do that! I'm lucky if I get the jar open and get them fed! Your awesome!

The Gentry's said...

They grow up so fast!!

Is Colors back together or was it just a reunion??

Lemmons Family said...

You are so motivated to make baby food. I couldn't do it, I hate to cook! I love Colors! That's awesome you got to go!

Ashley said...

Hailey is so super cute! She has grown up so much. I love Colors! I was kind of obsessed with them in college! Glad to know there are other fans out there!

Chelsea said...

You are a colors fan!? Me too. We went to the concert also. It was a lot of fun. Hailey is getting big.