Mission control to Houston. . . we are go for launch! This past week, after I got home from work and Miss Pretty and I were chillin' downstairs, playing with toys and watching Oprah. . . she surprised me by showing me her new skillz!! One minute she was crawling, the next, standing! She is now able to pull herself in to the standing position and she also dances once standing. She gets her moves from her momma fo sho!
Step 1: One must find something to lean against.
Step 2: the stare down with the kitty! "What Gracie? You want some of this?"
Step 3: Lift off! She was so proud of herself!
One of the downsides of becoming more adventureous is that there are bound to be battle wounds :(. Miss Pretty was playing with her closet doors and pulled herself up a little, lost her balance and conked the noggin. I felt so bad.
Here she is in her cute red overalls. She looks so cute in these! She's cutting a lot of teeth this week. (Sonja, be glad that you're not babysitting her this week, she's sooo winey!) Her two top front teeth are finally breaking through and it looks as though her eye teeth are next. So today has been rough for her. We've been putting the orajel on her gums. Has anyone tried that stuff? BEGACK!!! I had a little on my finger and wanted to see what it tasted like. I almost yacked! It reminds me of the stuff the dentist puts on your cheek before he's gonna give you a shot. It seems to be helping her though!
She is also not liking changing time so much. It's seriously Wrestle Mania IX! Once the diaper's off, she off and headed for the door! It takes 20 minutes to get her into her jammies every night.