Friday, November 20, 2009

Sleepless in Salt Lake - Dr. Dreamy to the rescue!

We had a sick lil' babe this past week. It started out a couple of weeks ago,
Miss Pretty was having these coughing fits at like 1 in the morning.
Last week, they turned into throwing up (fun!). I was a bit concerned because she was
throwing up a lot, so, naturally, we paid a visit to Dr. Dreamy (sigh).
Turns out, she had an ear infection (didn't see that one coming!)
Apparently some nerve that triggers coughing, runs right along
the ear drum, and the inflamed ear drum was triggering coughing and
that, coupled with her lovely gagging reflex, courtesy of the Lloyds,
was probably causing the vomit comet to emerge! After her yummy
amoxicilin kicked in, she was back to normal!
Here are some cute pics of her. She's a lot of fun! Playing with her baby, feeding her and
washing her face.

Playing outside with her daddy!

We can't wait for New Moon tomorrow! Yay!

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