Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dr Dreamy in the Hizzzouse!

So this past week was even longer than the last! Work was crazy for mommy, Miss Pretty was sick and sleep was not really something that mommy did much of! Miss Pretty got some nasty cold and by Monday it had peaked at it's worst! She wouldn't lay down at night and fussed all night long! So on Tuesday I call the Dr to see if I should bring her in. The nurse thought she probably had an ear infection and got us squeezed in to see Dr Dreamy that afternoon. Sure enough as soon as he checked her ears, she screamed bloody murder and looked at him as though he was the meanest Dr she'd ever met! Both ears had infections and he said she might have a mild case of RSV. Bummer! So we got some yummy Amoxicilin to get her started on!
It still smells the same as when we guzzled it as children! Miss Pretty loves it and is very upset when the dropper is empty! She is doing much better now, but still has a nasty cough.
As many of you know, I make most of Pretty's baby food. But she's at the stage where she needs a little more variety and more meats. Momma and Daddy aren't big meat eaters, so I don't get to make her much very often. I thought that we'd buy some baby food to incorporate into her diet. Blah! She's not a big fan and gags a lot. I even tasted them and they are very bland! So I have to mix it with the fresh stuff and she'll eat it then.
Some funny things that Miss Pretty is doing this week:
She loves the puff treats. We sprinkle some on her tray and she gobbles them right up! She holds 3 or 4 in one of her hands until she's eaten all of the rest and only then, will she open that hand and eat her reserve.
bnnnnnnnnhg b nhh mgy gj (she loves to chat online, this is her typing skills!)
She cruises in her walker! she's figured out how to navigate that sucker and follows me all over the kitchen. She can also help in the dishwasher!
She lounges in her bath chair! It's one of those rings and she was so worn out from her cold this week that when I'd give her vapor baths, she'd just sit back and chill and play with her tummy. So cute!
I love this little girl!


Anonymous said...

Hey Kristy! Wow - how are you?! Your little girl is so cute! :) Thanks for finding me, it's great to see what you and your little fam are up to. I hope Hailey feels better soon. :)

The Lloyds said...

Gosh Kristy, this cold that is going around is so bad. Braxton is finally over it but one of the little boys that goes to Nikki's got put in the hospital for RSV. My Dr said it is nasty this year. I hope she gets back to her noraml self. She is such a cutie!!! Love ya!

Lemmons Family said...

So sorry to hear she's been sick. We also have had a cold, but nothing that serious. Hope we can all be healthy the rest of the winter season. I would really like it to go by fast for I only have about 3 more months to go! Yea! Take care-